Monthly Savings Plan
Monthly Savings Plan
Regular savings are a key part of achieving your future financial goals. Invest your savings in a diverse range of funds matching your personal attitude towards risk, rather than leaving it with negative interest in a bank or credit union due to inflation.
Start from as little as €80 per month, change your contributions at any time
Save for future goals such as:
Children's college fees & tuition.
Saving for your first home.
Rainy day fund.
Saving for your wedding or child’s wedding.
Boosting your retirement income.
Helping your children get onto the property ladder.
Tax efficient estate planning (Capital Acquisition Tax).
Saving for a dream holiday.
A savings plan is a straightforward way to maximise your savings.
Start from as little as €80 each month.
You can access your savings whenever you need it most.
Features of our Monthly Savings Plan
Comparing Ireland’s leading providers of investments, such as Zurich, Aviva and New Ireland…
We will tailor a personal savings plan to suit your requirements and attitude towards risk.
We will then invest it in a range of different funds to suit your investment profile. Such as multi-asset funds, ESG funds, With-Profit Funds, Cash and bonds, Equity, Property & more.
Monthly Savings Plan Features:
Variable monthly savings amount.
Easy- access option available.
Save from as little as €80 per month.
Optionally add lump-sum payments.
Can be used to boost your Pension savings.
Suitable if your savings goal is 5 years or more.
Log-In at any time to check your savings progess.
What return can I expect from a Savings Plan?
This can vary depending on a number of factors such as length of time invested, fund selection and risk rating.
Below shows average return for Zurich multi-asset fund profiles as an example, over 5 years and 10 years.
Each line below represents different risk profiles. (Prisma 2, 3,4 etc)
Sometimes cash isn’t always king.
Regular contributions of €300 per month for the past 15 years in Zurich’s balanced fund would have yielded a return of 88% in comparison to losing -4% if you saved your money in the cash fund.
Let your money benefit from the effects of compound interest.
Most people put their savings or left over cash in their bank, either in a regular savings or deposit account. Which will yield a low rate of interest, generally speaking not even covering the current rate of inflation.
With a Savings Plan (Zurich example), Regular contributions of €300 per month after 5 years would gain €19,878.93, after 10 years €44,176.61 and after 15 years €73,723.32.
After 15 years of saving €300 in cash, that would equal €54,000 in comparison.
Starting a Savings Plan…
Set your goals
What is it that you’re planning to save for? Draw up your wish list (We can help with this as part of a Personal Financial Plan or a Business Owner Financial Plan)
Once you have your list, set your priorities and timeframe, when do you plan to achieve these goals? For example if it’s saving for a childs second level education, it might be when they turn 18.
Plan your budget
Figure out your monthly budget. How much disposable income do you have after expenses?
Can you free up some expenses? Maybe you don’t need all Disney, Netflix, Apple TV and Amazon Prime. By cancelling Apple TV, Disney and Amazon Prime would save you €33 per month or €396 per year. Adding that to getting rid of a daily coffee €3 per day (€1092 per year) that’s saving you a total €124 per month (€1488 per year) to invest.
Get advice on the most suitable Savings Plan
After your goals and time frame is determined, we compare Ireland’s leading providers and fund options to ensure you get the most out of your money.
Whether it’s multi-asset funds, ESG funds, or a tailor-made plan – we provide all the choices.
Contact our award-winning team by clicking the link below or schedule an appointment for a time that suits you best.